There are many different styles of covered call writing. Some people never do more than write calls on stocks in their portfolio to generate additional income. Other people buy stocks only for the purpose to write calls then sell them. Covered call strategies include active trading for directional moves, for traders with long-term time horizon and those seeking low-risk or limited risk trades.
For the conservative investor, you can write calls that are deep-in-the-money which limits the amount of risk in the trade. This is a good strategy for those who are fearful of losing money. For the lazy investor, they should look to a longer call time horizon that is many months out or even sell a leap call. For the monthly income investor, they should sell calls at-the-money which expire during the next month. This serves the purpose of creating a monthly income that is updated at the monthly expiration date.
The conclusion is that you can utilize the covered write strategy that best suites your income needs and personal investing style. Or you can use more than one strategy to mitigate your risk level in income investing. I sell calls when the market is reaching over priced levels for downside protection.
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