To start on the road to financial dependence, you must save some money. Most people start with an emergency fund, retirement account such as a 401K and maybe buy some real estate for rental income. Then, smart investors start creating additional streams of income. At Get Rich Investments, we like to buy world-class dividend stocks, CEFs paying money distributions and sell options for premium income. In today’s investing environment, you can no longer keep your money in near zero savings account or certificates of deposits.
“The only reason to save money is to invest it,” writes Grant Cardone, who went from broke and in debt at 21 to self-made millionaire by 30. “Put your saved money into secured, sacred (untouchable) accounts. Never use these accounts for anything, not even an emergency.”
While always subject to a degree of risk, investing is one of the most effective ways to earn more money. As Ramit Sethi writes in his bestseller, “I Will Teach You to Be Rich,” “on average, millionaires invest 20% of their household income each year. Their wealth isn’t measured by the amount they make each year, but by how they’ve saved and invested over time.”
Why would an investor sell put options instead of just buying the stock? You already know my response to this question – to create monthly income. There are several reasons investors should include put writing as a portion of their investment portfolio. Here is my list:
First and foremost is to create income. In this case, we are looking to collect the cash premium from selling the put option and not necessarily purchase the stock. This concepts is very important to better understand. My initial objective is capturing the premium but I realize in some cases the stock will be put to me. This is why I only sell puts on a select list of stocks I am willing to own if put to me. I like to focus on world class stocks that have stable earnings, strong balance sheets, pay growing dividends and trade within a low beta range in the market. This is part of my success using this strategy as I can collect dividends and sell covered calls for more income if the stock is put to me.
This is how I put my money to work. Join me in creating multiple streams of incomes to live the life you desire.