People ask me all the time what is the real secret to great investing returns. They have lost faith in the talking heads on TV who are selling their latest investments hyped as the place to be in today’s market. Often times these investments only separate the investor from their money. I have a proven strategy that is more rational so any investor can generate income by investing in great companies. My premise is cash doesn’t lie so when you have it in hand (or in your investing account), you know you have made money. Probably the two most important attributes to making money on a stock investment is (1) buying a great business model; and (2) buying at the right price. I constantly see investors buying a great business but at a price too high to ever generate a return.
I have this thought leadership built into my investing strategy. One, I only buy great blue-chip stocks that have validated profit margins and competitive advantages. Many refer to these stocks as market dominators because they have well recognized brands such as Walmart, Intel and others. Two, I look to invest in these great companies at the right price. My research will point me to these stocks trading below fair value. These are the companies that will give us market beating returns with lower than average risk.
We further lower the purchase price by selling puts on the great stocks we want to own. Each month or so, we will sell a put options at the money to collect premium income. This premium income lowers the purchase price with each sell until the stock gets put to us. For example, selling an option put for $1.00 per contract in 3 consecutive months gives the investor $3.00 or $300 in cash. If the stock is trading at $40 per share, the put selling drops the investors cost to $37 per share ($40 – $3 = $37) In the meantime, the investor is earning an average of 1-3% each month in income.
This is the power of this strategy – creating income streams while buying great businesses at a discount price.
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