If you’re hoping to reach millionaire status some day, there’s one small move you can make now that will virtually guarantee it: automatically save an hour a day of your income. At least this is the advice from David Bach author of “The Automatic Millionaire.” This is good advice to start a savings plan to move toward financial dependence which is what we strive for in our investing at Get Rich Investments.
Suppose you make $50,000 annually and you work a full-time job, 40 hours a week. You’ll be paid for about 2,080 hours of work in a year, equaling roughly $25 per hour. Bank that much each day, and you’ll be golden, according to Bach.
We like to take this advice a step farther than Bach. It is always productive to develop a habit of saving money. This money can be used to create wealth and ultimately financial independence. The majority of us started our financial journey this way. While saving is a starting point, how you invest this money can accelerate your timeline to millionaire status.
You need to create an emergency account to cover 3-6 months of income. Then, invest in world class dividend stocks that growth their dividends over time. Look to invest in some closed-end funds (CEFs) that pay monthly dividends. There are so many CEFs to allow the investor to diversify across different market sectors to include REITS, preferred stocks, bonds and other types of investments. And sell options to generate immediate income!
This is what we excel at in our monthly income plan. I use put selling to create my favorite income strategy – the Put-Call-Dividend (PCD) Income Strategy. This is simple selling puts each month on a select stock to collect monthly income. If the stock gets put to me, then I sell covered call options for more income while also collecting dividends paid by the stock. I sell call options for premium each month until the stock is called away from me. Then, I will start selling puts against the stock again. This strategy is exactly why I only sell puts on stocks I want to own – world class, strong dividend stocks.
This create a method to compound your returns as you rollover the options income to create even more income. If you’re hoping to reach millionaire status some day, this will accelerate your journey.
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