Warren Buffet has always discussed the concept of Mr. Market. This is an idea around each trading day Mr. Market offers you the price to purchase a stock in the stock market. As an investor, you must decide if you want to but the stock at this market price. Is the stock overpriced, undervalued or will the market crash in the coming days? As investors, we can’t predict the future direction of stock markets. And if anyone tells you they can, then run away from them. To get around predicting the stock market, I sell puts on stocks to generate monthly income and I usually win regardless of what the market does in the coming weeks.
When we sell a put option, we are selling someone the right, but not the obligation, to sell shares of the underlying stock to us at a price that we select called the strike price on or before a date that we select called the expiration date. In return for undertaking this obligation, we are paid a certain amount of cash called the premium that the market determines.
Should the put buyer decide to exercise that option by selling his shares to us on or before its expiration date, we are obligated to buy those shares at the strike price. To cash-secure this transaction potential, we deposited the appropriate amount of cash into our brokerage accounts to purchase those shares at the strike price minus the cash premium received.
How often does a put get exercised? This is variable but most research indicates about 80% of options expire worthless or do not get exercised. When a put option expires worthless, the investor keeps the cash premium as their return. Put writers or sellers continue to sell put each month to create and capture the cash premiums. This is the monthly income to supplement your lifestyle.
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