Perpetual Covered Call Year End Results

For the year 2012, we had some impressive investment returns.  The Monthly Income Perpetual Covered Call Portfolio easily surpassed both the S&P 500 and PowerShares S&P 500 BuyWrite Portfolio (PBP).  The table below displays the investment returns for each of the Perpetual Covered Call positions.  The average monthly return was 6.2%!  We had exceptional returns on HFC, CVS and JCI (see table).

Get Rich Investments - Perpetual Covered Call Trades
Click to enlarge








In January, we kicked off the perpetual covered call strategy. We have started adding new perpetual covered call trades each month to keep the trades fresh with market conditions and opportunities.  For those who are new to this concept, let me share the rationale of this income investment. This strategy was created to produce monthly income with stock dividends and covered call premium.  In addition, there is a protective, blanket put, to ensure the volatility in the market does not affect your return of capital.