The Dirty Little Secret of Option Trading


Options are a like a ticking time bomb in your hand.  If your preferred method of trading options is to buy calls and puts, that’s like telling the market to just take your money and pay you back “someday, maybe … if you feel like getting around to it.”

The truth is, every second you own that option contract is like the second hand of a bomb counting down to zero… blowing up into a useless piece of paper.  Why would anyone want to trade options when the deck is stacked against them?  Most options traders think of buying options as having “Stocks on Steroids” in their trading accounts.  The sad reality is, they continue to cling to that hope, even while they continue to lose money . . . trade after trade (after trade…).

What Happens to All Those Losing Trades, Anyway?

You know that for every option trade, there are two sides.  Buyers can’t buy without sellers.  If the options you buy aren’t making you money, you can be certain that the sellers are PROFITING CONSISTENTLY from your losing trades.  It’s time to turn the tables … literally. When you move to the other side of the trade, you put those odds squarely back in your favor.  That’s how the pros trade . . . taking your money every single time you buy a call or a put.  But by becoming an option seller, too, you will understand why the pros prefer their strategy. For starters, you’ll probably quickly get addicted to collecting COLD, HARD cash upfront on every trade.

And, the “secret” to selling options is that you enter a trade that has a 99% chance of winning. They’re practically GIVING MONEY AWAY on the exchanges. It’s true – the market pays you to make your trades!  Not quite sold on selling yet?  If watching your account grow practically on command isn’t enough, let’s look at how simple it is to keep the returns flowing in. …

Generate a Paycheck for Life …

You can sell option contracts again and again and again … for as long as you need or want to collect a monthly “bonus” without working harder — or at all!  Consider this . . .You could continue to fight the system and trade options in hopes of the next big MONSTER TRADE (the lottery ticket).  Or, you COULD pay yourself FIRST – bringing in $500 each week (or more).  Why not turn the tables in your FAVOR . . . and sell options like a PRO?  Stop trying to hit home runs by “buying options,” and start hitting singles and doubles to score more runs over time.

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