Covered Call Trade Recommendation on Celgene (CELG)

This is a covered call trade for monthly income on Celgene (CELG) using stock and call option with optional protective put.

Covered Call TRADE: Look at the November 2011 65 covered call.  For each 100 shares of Celgene (CELG) stock you buy, sell one November 2011 65 covered call option for a $61.05 (63.35 – 2.30) debit or better.  This is potentially a 6.5% assigned return.

Blanket Put:  If you are looking for a blanket put for protection, look to buy the Apr 2012 60 Put for $5.00.  You will sell the Blanket Put when the covered call position is closed.
Stock Trend: The technicals for CELG are bullish with a weak upward trend.  The stock is under accumulation with support at 61.63. S&P rates this stock 5 STARS (out of five) – strong buy.

S&P research notes:

S&P maintains strong buy opinion on shares of Celgene (CELG) . CELG updates information related to Article 20 European review of Revlimid that resulted in a positive risk/benefit ruling in September. CELG cites secondary malignancy rate of 3.98 per 100 patient years (vs. 1.38 in control group) in prior treated multiple myeloma patients, and 7% rate in newly diagnosed patients (vs 1.8% in control). While higher than we anticipated, we expect drug’s label to reflect these risks, and still see the positive bias on Revlimid’s survival benefits positioning the drug for approval in earlier treatment stages, which we view as a key share catalyst.

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